Thursday, March 24, 2011

Unsent email theater


I just need some fucking information man

Otherwise I gotta fill in the blanks all by myself

And you know how mad libs go

Shit never ends up following the story they had in mind when they wrote it


You never want to actually explain anything to anybody because explaining shit is too much of a hassle for you

Well not assuming shit based my own frame of reference is too much of a hassle for me

People make assumptions because the world is fucking filled with unknowns and leaps of logic and shit that requires immediate response

We have a highly evolved survival mechanism in our brains that is literally based around being able to jump to conclusions

Saying people need to stop assuming is like saying people need to stop being afraid of things they feel threatened by

You don't want people to make assumptions

You gotta fill in

The fucking blanks

Thursday, January 13, 2011

So I rented Face/Off

From an acting perspective the movie is kind of interesting

Since Travolta and Cage switch roles halfway through the film

So you get to see Cage trying to play Travolta while Travolta apes Cage's delivery

I wonder how much work they did together during shooting to come up with a cohesive set of characters so that when they swapped roles it would at least be believable in the context of the film

Actually I don't really wonder that at all

Because when the movie started and I saw Nick Cage with a mustache I instantly reached nirvana

I like to think that the mustache was originally the star of the movie but died halfway through production and was relegated to a short cameo during the prologue
I found the only question I am now capable of asking

Is why doesn't Cage have this mustache in EVERY scene

In EVERY movie


Although to be fair it didn't end up detracting from his performance

Pictured: Nick Cage winning every Oscar EVER
In fact after it's only after he loses the mustache that Cage graces the audience with what is unequivocally

The most fantastic hostage execution ever